

stay Tuned!

Christian Formation for Children


Children’s Sunday School is at 10 AM at Ascension in the undercroft the first and third Sundays of the month, usually concluding so the children can receive Communion with their parents. Children welcome to assist ushers in worship duties the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

Children’s Sunday School is at 1 p.m. at Little Shepherd in the Parish Hall the first Sunday of the month, concluding before the 2 p.m. service so families can worship with the rest of the congregation. Children always welcome to serve as acolytes, lectors, and ushers.

Centering Prayer at Ascension In Person

Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. in Spiritual Direction Room, behind Main Sanctuary

Join us at 10:15 a.m. for casual conversation with a twenty minute centering period or “sit” beginning at 10: 30 a.m.

Participants are welcome to walk over to St. Mary’s Chapel at 11 a.m. and participate in the Mid-Week Eucharist with a saint of the day and violin interludes.

Centering Prayer at Ascension Online

Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. and Every night at 8:00 p.m. 

Sometimes there may only be two participants, but this group has been going since the start of the pandemic.  A parade of interested participants join a few times, for a few weeks, or for a few seasons. We want to be consistently available to anyone who is curious to try it out. 

Here's link to Join the ZOOM meeting for all the Ascension Centering Prayer sessions
Meeting ID: 745 400 730
Passcode: 781352

This may be the very best way to use ZOOM. It can be accessed on your phone, tablet, laptop or desk computer from anywhere with WiFi or cell phone service. Please call me with any questions: Greg Wright: 719-207-3039

If you've never used ZOOM before, you may want to allow yourself a few extra minutes to log onto the call. You will need to download the app if you're using a mobile device.   
There are 2 possibilities for you to participate:

  1. You can click on the link above and join us virtually. You'll be able to see other participants and it's a wonderful way for us to be together when we can't be in the same physical space.

  2. If you don't have a camera on your computer or don't have WIFI access, you can call in to participate using your phone camera or simply make a regular phone call dialing the telephone number below and then entering the meeting ID. 

    Here is a 1 min video explaining how you can use ZOOM.tering Prayer truly is every night of the week, and on Thursday mornings. 

 Hope to see you soon!

Seasonal Parish Retreats for Strength and Renewal

2nd Annual Parish Lenten Retreat. Saturday, February 17 from 10 a.m. -3 p.m.

Topic “Practice Kindness: God-Style.” Facilitator the Rev. Melissa Roberts George. Lenten lunch of vegetarian/gluten free soup and bread provided. Contact Church Office by Noon on Ash Wednesday to sign up. Limit 20.