Serving at Ascension

Lay Ministries

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar for communion on Sunday and special services. Members are part of a team and serve in rotation, about every six weeks.


Acolytes are usually young people trained to carry the cross and Gospel Book in procession and assist the priest and chalicer during communion.


Chalicers assist the priest at communion, administering the wine to the people and assisting in set up and take down the communion vessels.

Lay Readers

Lay readers, also called lectors read the scripture lessons, psalms, and the prayers of the people during worship; and on special days help organize readers for the Passion or the Vigil readings.


Ushers are the parish greeters. The ministry includes making all welcome, handing out bulletins, assisting newcomers in the service, bell ringing, collecting the offering, and assisting worshipers to communion.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained to administer Holy Communion to people who are shut-in, home-bound, or hospitalized. Their preparation includes worship and Safeguarding Our Children training classes.

Committees & Leadership Opportunities

Interested? Call the church office at 719-207-4578.

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee is responsible for developing programs that provide opportunities for church members to reach out in love to the greater Salida community. They have supported families and youth programs as far away as Pakistan and as close as the local Boys and Girls Club. They are funded by the Vestry. Meets quarterly or as needed.

Finance Committee

A group of volunteers who assist the Vestry by devising the budget. Meets quarterly, but more often as the end of the calendar year approaches and the budget is constructed for delivery to the congregation at the annual meeting in January or February.


This is the governing board of the church. It consists of the Senior Warden (essentially the vice-president of the board), the Junior Warden (responsible for maintenance), eight members at large, a secretary, and church treasurer who may or may not be elected. Vestry members serve for three years and may be elected for a second term. The Senior and Junior Wardens are recommended by the Rector. The Rector is the President of the Vestry.

Sunday School Committee

Led each Sunday at 10 am by a rotating group of adult volunteers who share wonder with children from 2 to 16 years old. A time filled with lots of open conversations, projects, activities and everything from cooking to bible lessons. The young folks join their families in the sanctuary in time to receive Communion with their families.